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Being Considerate of Others...

Our church follows most recent New Hampshire health guidance on flu, contagious colds and COVID-19 best practices. The following guidelines are currently in effect for indoor church gatherings at Renew Church-Hancock:


  • Mask wearing is optional, and up to the discretion of our attendees. No matter your personal preference on mask-wearing, we ask that you continue to think “others” and be respectful of those who may have a different choice than yours.

  • We continually monitor and adjust the flow of fresh and comfortable air.

  • Children attending kids’ church are welcomed and encouraged to worship with everyone else on Sunday mornings before being dismissed for their gathering downstairs.

  • As a general practice, we will continue to provide hand sanitizer throughout the church building and to perform sanitize-cleaning of hard surfaces and rest rooms.

  • To protect the health and well-being of our congregation in any season, we continue to ask that if you don’t feel well to please stay home and worship with us via Facebook livestream. This applies to any illness—COVID, the flu, a cold with frequent sneezing and coughing, etc. 


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