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We love meeting new people. If you are in the area visiting, looking for a new home church or beginning to explore your faith, we are glad you are taking time to consider our church for a visit. We know that finding a new church or even visiting a new church can be overwhelming. But know that here at Renew Church Hancock, you are welcome to come as you are. You'll be greeted at the door, and you can stop at our cafe for coffee or take a seat in the worship center. Please stay after church and enjoy conversation and snacks in our cafe. Wherever you are in your walk, we would love to walk with you. 


In one God, Maker of all things, revealed to us as The Father; Jesus Christ, The Son of God; and The Holy Ghost. Jesus Christ, who is known as The Son of God, was begotten by the Holy Spirit, born of virgin Mary.  He is true God and true man. The Bible, in its entirety, to be the inspired Word of God and the only infallible rule of faith and conduct. In the resurrection of the dead, the eternal happiness of the saved, and the eternal punishment of the lost. In personal salvation of believers through the shed blood of Christ.



A Prophetic Word from Pastor Jim Ward Transcribed from July 17, 2019 Night of Worship Scripture: John 1:1-14 “This is a lighthouse unto the region that will be filled with the Light of Jesus Christ! ... And it will go out unto the region, and it will be filled with the Love of God, a living God. And it will shine forth the Love of God by the power of His Holy Spirit. ​God will manifest His glory in this house! You will see people saved, you will see people delivered, you will see people healed, you will see lives changed, you will see people who were in darkness—that Light will call in people out of the darkness and bring them into a harbor of safe-keeping in this tumultuous world and the horrible things that are going on right now. This will be a place of Glory. This will be a place of Presence. This will be a place of the power of God. You will see healings and signs and wonders that have not been seen since the time of Jesus Christ. Amen! This is going to be a place of miracles. This going to be a place where the prodigals are going to come home, those that have been out—and they knew God at one time and they are now in the pigpens eating pea pods, and they’re going to be saying ‘surely in my Father’s house the servants are treated better than this.’ They are going to come into this house, and they’re going to be filled. And they’re going to come in with their heads hanging down, full of shame—but they are going to be delivered from that! They’re going to healed. The Father is going to throw a robe of righteousness upon them and put on a ring of ownership. And there will be celebration! This shall be a house of jubilee! This will be a house where God is alive and well and present, and the Love of God will be manifest. This is a lighthouse unto the region, and He will draw people from the north and the south and the east and the west. And they shall come, and there shall be an awakening and a great revival! God is about to shake things up, and all that can be shaken will be shaken. But His throne cannot be shaken, and we are His children because we believe in His Name! Amen!”


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